Tuesday 4 November 2008

Friday 31 October 2008


Halloween > Flickr Photos tagged with 'Halloween' > ROBOTS! > Dōmo Arigatō Mr. Roboto


Tuesday 28 October 2008

Beat up a Granny

A new and interesting way to rob people with Alka Seltzer, who'd have thought it could be so useful?. Although if you're willing to beat seven shades of crap out of an old lady and then go back for seconds I personally think the epileptic ruse is unnecessary, albeit skillfully acted

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Chopping Mall

I think this speaks for itself.

I was trying to come up with something as good (bad) as Robot Jox but I think that's where I was going wrong, I need to move on, it was a special moment in my life and trying to recreate that will only end in disappointment. As soon as I had come to this realisation I remembered Chopping Mall. Packed to the brim with classic 80's horror movie cliches, kids break into Shopping Mall at night (Consumerism), Kids get randy (Punishing promiscuity), robots gone wild (Fear of technology).

Oh, and apparently there's a really good head explosion too.

Friday 3 October 2008

Crash and Burn

Crash and Burn baby, Crash and Burn. Now don't be fooled into thinking that this is a greeting anyone can just throw about, oh no, this is only for Jox, Robot Jox. That's Jox in the plural sense, the singular would be Jock, although as it's the future it's probably Jok. What with all the nuclear fallout who has time for those pesky extra letters, hell, who even has time to read?, let alone learning to read. Not our hero that's for sure, he can't read but he sure can Jok a robot real good.

Robot Jox was everything I hoped it would be, everything I wanted it to be, and everything I dreamed it would be. I'll borrow a synopsis from a review that sums it up beautifully:

"A grim version of the future. A planet devastated by war. Test-tube babies. Giant robots. Drinks that taste like blood. Russians. Flying cars. Giant robots."

Tuesday 23 September 2008

A Picture for Tuesday

Yesterday was a song for Monday, today a photo search for 'tuesday' on Flickr. Here is my favourite

I was going to post a couple of pictures, but none of the others come close to being as awesome as this one

Monday 22 September 2008

A Song for Monday

Poor bloke. When he was 11 Jackson C. Frank nearly died in a fire, in 1965 at the age of 21 he came to England and recorded an album with Simon and Garfunkel, but quickly became depressed so went back to America.

He married a model, things are looking up!, he had 2 children, who both died from Cystic Fibrosis. This sent him over the edge and he was committed to an institution. Sometime in the 80's he decided to go and find his old pal Paul Simon in New York, he failed and ended up sleeping in the street, for the next 10 years was in and out of Institutions with no where to live.

He was misdiagnosed, and treated for, Paranoid Schizophrenia, it was merely depression. He had a parathyroid malfunction, causing him to put on weight.

In the early 90's he was accidentally shot in the eye and blinded, and in 1999 he died of pneumonia and cardiac arrest.

He wrote and recorded this song in 1965:

Blues Run the Game